CSR Policy

Our Sustainability Statement

Social Responsibility

White Communications are committed to being an environmental and socially responsible organisation and comply all relevant legislation as a minimum.   

Environmental and Social Responsibility allows you to enrich the quality of lives for all by investing in social value as an essential part of an organisations culture. This provides purpose and impact and will ensure a sustainable and profitable business. It will help to build a better world for future generations by improving the environment and ensuring a cohesive community to live and work in.

Our Beliefs

We believe that our vision of being socially responsible and legally compliant organisation helps to safeguard society and the planet for future generations as well as uniting us as an organisation in a vision that we can all believe in.  

We believe an environmental and socially responsible organisation is more efficient, productive and profitable as well as being resilient to future challenges. We believe we can make a positive impact by using the CSR four pillars for: 

  • Environment – We are a paperless office. Our chosen energy provider is on path to zero – with staff working from home, we minimise business travel as much as possible.  
  • Workplace – Our organisation are members of several networking groups where we provide support, advice and discounts on our services. We recruit graduates once they have left university to provide hands on experience in the marketing industry – we believe in supporting the younger generation to help them get onto the career ladder. All our staff have regular training and keep up to date on the latest trends, techniques, technology and processes. 
  • Community – We give back to our local community by volunteering as our parish council street rep supporting the local community and encouraging others to donate unwanted items to local schools and nursery’s. We also work with the CloudyFoundation as volunteers to support their projects by presenting in schools to provide marketing and branding guidance on tech projects. 
  • Philanthropy – We offer pro bono support to charities via The Clare Foundation Chat programme. We also sponsor local community and charity events as well as promote ‘A Good Thing’ who provide unwanted goods to the charity sector. 

Our sustainability policy reflects our values and is integrated into our business strategy and measurable goals. 

We aim to use our strengths through our operations and related to our industry. 

Our Commitment

We are committed to providing adequate resources to measure and minimise our impact and go beyond, to leave a positive legacy. We will carry out the necessary training to communicate our vision and goals internally to our employees and externally to our clients, supply chain and customers. 

This policy and our progress will be reviewed annually by the senior management team and all discussions and actions updated. 

Date: 16th June 2023 

Signed: V A White